
We humbly invite you into the practices of:


***All forms of prayer below are at the Newman Center Unless noted otherwise***

Tuesday Eucharistic Adoration 8am-5PM

Sign up HERE to make a commitment, or just show up!


Click HERE to see when Mass & Confession times are

Stations of the Cross

11:30AM every Friday during Lent

Meet with a Missionary

Contact us to let us know your availability


-Abstain from meat on Fridays

-Participate in the offertory at Mass

($1 into offertory basket, or what you can offer)

-give up one of the following:

(specific social media, alcohol, sweets, or sometime that would be fruitful for you)


RIverwest service day Retreat

April 2, 9am-4pm. Email us for more details

$5 to have Mass said for a loved one or your won intention

Click HERE to provide your desired Mass intention

Spring Newman Center & Neighborhood Clean Up Day

April 7, 1pm-3pm. Email us for more details

Download this Lent Card

Other Lent Resources:

